Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Plant Paulownia in Nepal

;+;F/d} ;a}eGbf l56f] a9\g], xn'sf, gdlSsg], gafª\lug] / gkm'6\g]
kfpnf]lgof Pp6f ;+;F/d} ;a}eGbf l56f] a9\g] ax'u'0fL ag:ktL xf] h'g kfpnf]lgo;L kl/jf/df kb{5 . of] k|hfltsf] pTklt :yn lrgnfO{ dflgG5 . clxn] kfpnf]lgof Plzof tyf o'/f]ksf b]zx?df v]tL eO{/x]sf] 5 . hfkfg tyf sf]l/ofdf sl/a Ps xhf/ jif{ klxn] g} o;sf] v]tL z'? ul/Psf] xf] / pGgfO;f}+ ztfAbLdf of] cd]l/sf, o'/f]k, ci6]«lnof / Go'lhNof08;Dd k'Uof] .
kfpnf]lgofnfO{ ls6L j[If, /fhs'df/L j[If / dxf/fgL j[If klg elgG5 . lrlgof“ k/Dk/fdf kfpnf]lgof 5f]/L hGd]sf] pknIodf j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ ul/G5 / kl5 5f]/Lsf] ljjfxdf ToxL ?v sf6]/ pgsf] gof“ kl/jf/sf nflu kmlg{r/ nufotsf j:t'x? bfO{hf] lbg k|of]u ul/G5 . sf7 pTkfbgsf nflu of] ?v cToGt} pkof]uL 5 . To:t} o;sf] km"n j}hgL /ªsf] / cfs{ifs cfs[ltsf] x'g] ePsf]n] au}rf, u]6 tyf af6f] 5]psf] zf]ef a9fpg / 5f“ofbf/ j[Ifsf] ?kdf ;d]t of] j[IfnfO{ /f]Kg] u/]sf] kfO{G5 .
kfpnf]lgof ag:klt l56f] a9\g], 8fn] 3f“;, ;f]Tt/ kts/ / jfo' k|b"if0f sd ug{ e"Ifo /f]Sg d2t ug]{ ax'pkof]uL, ktem8 hftsf] ?v xf] . of] j[If hlt w]/} sf6\of] plt knfpg] / xf“uf df]6f] x'G5 , sf6]sf] Ps aif{df g} nueu #) lkm6 ;Dd cUnf] x'G5 . of] ?vsf] km'n af6 lg:sg] dudu af:gf / k|;:t /; dfx'/Lsf] nflu clt pkof]uL x'G5 .
  kfpnf]lgof dWo] 6f]d]G6f];f k|hflt w]/} b]zdf v]tL ul/Psf] kfOG5 . of] laleGg xfjfkfgLdf x's{g] ePsf]n] g]kfndf klg o;nfO{ t/fO{ b]lv dWokxf8L If]qdf a[Iff/f]k0f ug{ ;lsG5 . kfpnf]lgof v'Nnf :yfgdf /f]k]df of] ?vsf] w]/} xf“uf laª\uf tyf ax'sf08 cfp5 eg] afSnf] cj:yfdf l;wf dfly a9\5 . /fd|f] d'gf knfpg] of] ?v nfO{ Ps /f]k]kl5 k6s k6s sf6\g / k|of]hgdf Nofpg ;lsG5 . g]kfnsf] Ol;df]8n] uf]bfj/Ldf kfpnf]lgof 6f]d]G6f];fsf] v]tL @) aif{ cuf8L g} z'? u/]sf] lyof] . clxn] pSt ?vsf] prfO{ &) lkm6 hltsf] /x]sf] 5 eg] uf]nfO{ nueu & lkm6 /x]sf] 5 .

s:tf] df6f]df s;/L / slt a[Iff/f]kg ug]{ <

ax'u'0fL tyf ax'pkof]uL kfpnf]lgof j[If !@)) b]lv @!)) ld6/ ;Ddsf] prfO If]qdf /f]Kg ;lsG5 . of] j[If w]/} kfgL, tftf] 7f“p / bf]d6 df6f]df /fd|f];“u x's{g] ePtf klg lrD6\ofOnf] b]lv anf}6] df6f]df klg km:6fp“5 . kfpnf]lgof l7s ;“u km:6fpg df6f]sf] PH  % b]lv * ;Dd x'g'kb{5 . sd Iff/ ePsf] df6f] pko'St x'g] x'gfn] g'gsf] dfqf a9L ePsf] hldgdf o;sf] j[l4 /fd|f] x'b}g . kfpnf]lgof j[If sd kf}li6s ePsf] df6f]df klg ;lhn};“u x's{G5 lsgeg] o;n] Sofnl;od / Dofug]l;odsf kf]h]l6e - Ca++/ MG++ _ cfof]gx? l5g]/ lng ;S5 . kfpnf]lgofsf] oxL u'0fn] ubf{ o;nfO{ vfgL pTvgg\ ul/Psf] :yfgnfO{ k"j{ ;'wf/ ug{ ;d]t k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . o2lk o;nfO{ dlnnf], /fd|f], bf]d6, anf}6] / kflgsf] ;tx !÷% ld6/ eGbf al9 ePsf] / kflg ghDg] 7fp“df /f]Kbf /fd|f] x'G5 .
kfpnf]lgof j[Iff/f]k0f ug{sf] nflu Ps xft nDafO{ / Ps xft rf}8fO{ / Ps xft ulx/f] vf8n vGg' kb{5 / a[Iff/f]k0f ug'{ eGbf @ xKtf klxn] g} vf8n vGg'kb{5 . vf8n vGbf dflyNnf] ;txsf] / d'lgsf] df6f] cnu cnu /fVg'k5{ clg la?jf /f]Kbf dflyNnf] ;txsf] df6f] klxn] / d'lgsf] df6f] k5fl8 /fv]/ vf8n /fd|f];u eg{'kb{5 . j[Iff/f]k0fsf] nflu ^ OGr b]lv ! km'6 ;Ddsf] la?jf /f]Kg' /fd|f] ePtf klg ;s];Dd 7"nf] ?v /f]Kbf lj?jf dg]{ ;+efjgf sd x'G5 . kfpnf]lgof j[Ifsf] h/f d'lg l;wf tnlt/ hfg] x'gfn] j[Iff/f]k0f leq 3';'jf cGgafnL klg nufpg ;lsG5 h;sf] nflu k|f/lDes b'/L %* !) ld6/ @)) la?jf k|lt x]S6/ /f]k]/ kl5 ;Dd olx ;+Vof sfod ug'{ kb{5 .
j[Iff/f]k0f ;Da{wg s;/L ug]{ <
-s_ cgfjZos lj?jf x6fpg' tyf cfjZos la?jfsf] k|lt:kwf{ x6fO{ la?jf x's{g] jftfa/0f k|bfg ug{ uf]8d]n ug]{
-v_ cGo ?vx? eGbf kfpnf]lgof ?vnfO{ /fd|f];“u x's{g k|z:t kfgL cfjZos kg]{ x'bf ;'Vvf ofddf ;do ;dodf l;+rfO{ ul//xg' kb{5 ;fy} dnsf] nflu gfO6«f]hg–km:kmf]/;–kf]6f;–;f]l8od s|dzM *–!!–!)–& efunfO{ @%) u|fdsf b/n] k|lt la?jfsf] sl/a Ps km'6 6f9f b'/ldf jl/kl/ xfNg' k5{ .
-u_ uf“7f] gePsf] u'0f:t/Lo sf7 pTkfbg ug{ ;dod} tNnf] xf“ufx? sf6\g' kb{5 , ?vsf] cj:yf x]/]/ /f]k]sf] t];|f] aif{df xf“uf sf6\g] ug{' kb{5 .
j[IfF/f]k0f w]/} afSnf] ePdf vfgf / k|sfzsf nflu k|lt:kwf{ ug]{' kg]{ x'gfn] o:tf] cj:yfdf lj?jfnfO{ kftnf] kf/]df a[l4 l56f] x'G5 . 5f6\g] sfo{ laleGg pd]/df ug'{ kb{5 .

k|lt?v jfl{if{s a[l4
kfpnf]lgof ?vsf] d'Vo laz]iftf tLa| a[l4 xf] / o;sf] j[l4 df6f]sf] dlnnf]kgf / ;Daw{gdf e/ kb{5 . /fd|f];“u :ofxf/ k'u]df of] la?jf a[Iff/f]k0f u/]sf] ! aif{df @) b]lv @% lkm6 cUnf] x'G5 , %÷^ aif{df g} ^) lkm6 cUnf] x'G5 pkof]uL sf7x? k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 . t;y{ lrlg“of x?n] eGg] u/]sf 5g\ æ kfpnf]lgof ?v Ps aif{df vDafh:tf], tLg jif{df 5ftf h:tf] / kf““r jif{df lr/]/ ºofsx? agfpg ;lsG5 .Æ
KnfOp8 kmlg{r/ / cGo k|of]hgsf nflu kfpnf]lgofsf] sf7

kfpnf]lgofsf] sf7 cGo sf7 eGbf cToGt} xn'sf -$) k|ltzt_, gdlSsg], gafª\lug] / gkm'6\g] ePsf]n] o;sf] k|of]u lbgk|ltlbg a9\b} uO{/x]sf] 5 . of] sf7 kx]nf], v/fgL /ªsf] xNsf ePtf klg v“lbnf] vfnsf] x'G5 h;df ls/f ;d]t nfUb}g, w'jfn] glau|g] , tfksf] s'rfns ePsf]n] rf8} cfuf] klg nfUb}g . o;sf] sf7 ;of}+ aif{ cl3b]lv g} laleGg k|of]hgsf nflu k|of]u x'b} cfO{/x]sf] 5 . h:t} M
kml{g{r/ tyf jfb\ojfbs –M    ¤ofn, 9f]sf, vfkf, knª, ;f]kmf, b/fh, cfNdf/L, 3/f{x?, 6]an, s';L{, kfs]{l6ª cflb
v]nf}gf tyf ejg –M   km'nbfgL, eujfgsf] d"lt{, sf7sf] df5f, ANofsaf]{8, ¥ofº6af]6, ;km{af]6, :n]6 cflb To:t} 3/sf] leQf, leqL kvf{n, l;lnª / leqL 5fgfsf] nflu pko'St x'G5 . o;sf] sf7af6 dfx'/Lsf] 3f/ agfpgfn] 3f/leqsf] tfkqmddf l:y/tf cfO{ a9L dx pTkfbg x'G5 .
Kofs]lhª –M   t]n, jfOg, lao/ cflb t/n kbf{y /fVg Koflsª aS;, lrof aS;, kmnkm"n tyf cGo e08f/0fsf afs; cflb . To:t} d]8n aS;, 8]«l;ª aS;, l6eL, /]l8of] / sdKo'6/ /fVg] aS; tyf ¥ofsx? cflb klg agfpg ;lsG5 .

7"nf 7"nf /fi6«x?df kfpnf]lgofsf] sf7 xjfOhxfh, UnfO8/, kfgLhxfh, jfo'ofgnufot sf pks/0fx? lgdf0f{df k|of]u ul/G5 .
KfFpnf]lgofsf] sf7 dfq geP/ o;sf] cGo lrhnfO{ klg k|of]udf Nofpg ;lsG5 . o;sf] w"nf]nfO{ l;/fgL, u2L, rs6L cflb leq eg{ lr:ofg oGqx?df s'rfnssf] sfd ug{, ufO{a:t'sf] ;f]Q/sf ?kdf, 3/leq cf]; ePsf] 7fpdf tyf v]nf}gfdf k|of]u ul/G5 . o;sf] c+uf/nfO{ pwf]ux?df ;lqmo sfa{gsf ?kdf ;d]t k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . To:t} af]qmf klg /ª agfpg k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

3f“; / sDkf]i6dn, h}ljs OGwg tyf afo' z'l4s/0fsf] nfuL kfpnf]lgof

;'l/nf] ?v nfdf] / 5l/tf] km]b, dfly 6'Kkfdf nfdf nfdf xf“ufdf 7"nf / rf}8f kft of] ?vsf] klxrfg xf] . Kffpnf]lgofsf] xl/of] kft / km"n kz'x?sf] nflu kf}li6s cfxf/ xf] h;df lrgL , lrNnf] kbf{ysf ;fy} @) k|ltzt k|f]l6g /x]sf] x'G5 h'g ^) k|ltzt kfrg of]Uo x'G5 . t;y{ lzlz/ofddf o;sf] kftnfO{ ;+sng ul/ 8Nnf] kf/L sf6]/ kz'nfO{ v'jfpg ;lsG5 . Pp6f !) aif{ k'/fg]f ?v af6 #) lsnf] 3f;kft / $)) s]hL xf“uflauf k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 . 3f“;sf] nflu of] la?jf  /f]Kbf ;Lldt prfO{ ;Dd w]/} xf“uf a9\g / km}ng lbg'kb{5 h;n] ubf{ lgoldt ?kdf kftx? k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . dn agfpg klg o;sf] kft cToGt} pkof]uL x'G5 .
hnjfo' kl/jt{g tyf sfj{g zf]if0fsf] lx;fan] kfpnf]lgof Psbd} l56f] a9\g] lj?jf ePsf]n] o;n] cGo ?vx?n] eGbf bz k6s w]/} sfj{g8fOcS;fO8 zf]if0f ub{5 / hlt dfqfdf j/Lk/Lsf] sfj{g zf]if0f u5{ Tolt g} k6s cS;Lhg aflx/ kmfNb5 , zf]if0f u/]sf] sfj{gnfO{ cfºgf] h/fsf] sf08df ;+ro ub{5 . of] ?vnfO{ sf6]/ sf7, kmlg{r/ jf cGo lrh agfpg k|of]u ubf{ klg sf{jg ;+lrt g} eO{/x]sf] x'G5 clg kft / h/fdf ePsf] sfj{g klg df6f]df ldNg hfG5 h;n] ubf{ df6f] dlnnf] x'g'sf ;fy} jfo'd08nsf] j/Lk/L /x]sf] k|b'if0fx? 36L jftfj/0f :jR5  tyf z'4 x'G5 . kfpnf]lgof Psk6s a[Iff/f]k0f u/]kl5 o;sf] d'gfaf6 km]l/ ?v cfpg] x'gfn] k6s k6s sf6\g ;lsG5 / o;sf] km'n a;Gt Ct'sf] cfudg ;u} km'N5 / nfdf] ;do -nueu Ps dlxgf_ ;Dd /lx/xg] x'gfn] of] df};ddf pSt :yfgdf df}/L kfng ubf{ w]/} dx pTkfbg x'G5 . To:t} kfpnf]lgof ?vsf] sf7 cGt/fli6«o ahf/df k|lt So"a lkm6 ?= !%))) kb{5 eg] Pp6f j:os ?vaf6 -& b]lv !) aif{df_ #) So"a lkm6 sf7 k|fKt x'G5 h;nfO{ g]kfnL ahf/df s'sf7sf] d'Nodf lalqm ubf{ klg k|lt af]6 $),))) b]lv ^),))) ;Dd cfDbfgL lng ;lsg] 5 .
o;/L ax'u'0fL tyf ax'pkof]uL k|hfltsf] kfpnf]lgof laleGg k|of]hgsf] nflu k|of]u ug{ ;lsg'sf ;fy} o;af6 cb[Zo kmfObf -;+;f/df al9/x]sf] pRr tfkqmdnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug{ dBt k'–ofpg'_ klg lng ;lsg] x'gfn] o;sf] v]tL u/]/ lgs} kmfObf k'Ug] s'/fdf s'g} b'O dt 5}g . 
Gff]6 M laleGg hftsf kmnkm'nx? h:t} sd prfO{df kmNg] :ofp, e'O{:ofp, $))–%)) u|fd ;Dd x'g] cgf/, # aif{d} kmNg] bft] cf]v/, sfutL, r]/L, cnd08 cflbx?sf] af]6lj?jf rflxPdf tyf plrt k/fdz{ / ;Nnfx ;'emfjsf] nflu klg ;Dks{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
;Nnfxsf] nflu ;Dks{ :yfg

 General Directions:
Each Paulownia tree has its own personality. It is not uncommon for the tree to experience some shock which will cause it to appear droopy. Once it has been watered and placed outside in the shade for a day only, it will perk back up.

Before You Start:

Your Paulownia tree should be watered. Then read the instructions that came with your tree. Your tree should now be placed in a gallon container till it is ready to go into the ground. The best way to water the plant is to soak it, then let it dry out before you water it again. If the temperatures are in the high 90's, then only give your tree full sun till noon, then only partial sun till it adjusts. Begin to move it out into the full all day direct sun for a period of a week or so.

Soil Mixture:
Paulownias require a well-drained sandy loam soil mix. This mixture should be composed of compost, peat moss, a small amount of sand and your natural soil. We recommend digging a hole that is 2 feet wide by 3 feet deep, and filling it with a 50/50 mixture of natural soil and the above combination of organic matter.

Upon arrival, it is best to use a B1 root stimulant. After a week, begin to fertilize the tree. The Paulownia loves nitrogen. Fertilizing at least once a month is essential in order to ensure the rapid growth of the Paulownia. The trees require a 30-10-10 or a 20-10-10 fertilizer. Be sure to fertilize only at sunset, so as to not burn the trees leaves. The Paulownia tree likes the fertilizer to be sprayed on the roots and leaves. Continue doing this to the trees go dormant in the fall.


All plants are watered before they are packed for shipment, this helps keep the plant moist throughout its long journey. However, some moisture is going to escape. When you receive your plant, thoroughly water it, and place it in a shaded area for a few hours. This will help “perk” it back into shape, and ready for planting. Do not over water! Paulownia soil should dry out between watering.
Royal Empress Trees:
Royal Empress Trees grow fast, but you can make them grow faster. Follow the professional planting instructions that come with your tree and you’ll get far faster root development and top growth while growing your Paulownia tree.
So more information please contact at

Ag-En Plus Pvt. Ltd.
+977-9851187267,  +977-9851002929

Specific Instructions Come With Each Tree Order

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